So, let me just start with saying I am in no way a professional writer. I have a lot to say, I have a bounty of information some valuable some maybe not so much... I am in no way saying I have all the answers, nor is all the information I share is going to work for all families. My parenting motto is what works for one family may not work for yours, but trying new ideas if it interests you, and if you find it wasn’t for you, well you gave it a try. Anyways I started this blog as a way to write, because well I love to write, but I might not be the best at it, I certainly am not great at spelling...But don’t they say the more you do the better you get? So hey here I am, sharing what I know hopefully help/inspire some along the way.
All that to said, I have a dream to one day write a book. I know I know! Crazy, for the longest time I thought for sure it was going to be a cookbook, because I love to cook, I love to bake. Food is a happy place for me. But as I grew into me, I realized it probably wasn’t going to be a cookbook. Then I felt well did I even have anything of importance to say, of value? For years I have thrown around a number of book ideas. I finally figured out just what I would be writing about. Nope sorry I am not ready to share that much yet. But I will give you a hint, it involves mamas. It has been a long journey personally to get to this point. Part of that was my own personal issues getting in the way, part of that was this feeling of unimportance, of feeling less then, part was just life in general. But I have come to a point where I wont let myself hold me back, nor life. As a mom, as a woman, we so often put others ahead of ourselves. We push things we love or want to do aside and focus on what needs to be done for the family or others in general. It’s a great quality, but it also can hold us back/prevent us from putting greatness out into the universe. This has been a personal journey for me, and anyone who knows me personally also knows that this was something I needed to figure out/ learn on my own, because yes I am stubborn and like to learn things the long hard way, instead of listening to what others have to say. Yes it’s a big fault, as I age I am learning to listen to others…a little better, my husband my disagree with that statement. All that to say I hope that some reading this will listen to their dreams. That one thing that has always sounded amazing, that one thing that that calls to you, and to not let life or your own fears about taking a leap of faith hold you back. Yes I could certainly fail at writing this book, it’s a strong possibility, but I have always wanted to write, even if I am not that great at it. I am going for my dream. And I hope this inspires others to go for it too.
So you recently found out you are pregnant, be it a planned pregnancy and you are elated or an unplanned pregnancy and you are coming to grips with the idea of motherhood, or be it somewhere in between, this is a life changing experience you will be going through. And it can often times feel overwhelming. In early pregnancy, it especially feels overwhelming. You probably are not showing yet, and there are not many resources available for early pregnancy. Here are a few simple things to do to help you get started, these are tools that will be useful throughout motherhood as well.
Find a care provider you trust and feel comfortable with. Do your research on your options, if you don't feel comfortable in hospitals, look into birth centers or midwives in your area. If you feel the most comfortable in a hospital find a doctor and or hospital you feel safe with. Look at their cesarean rate, the reviews of others experience with that doctor or hospital. Sit down and talk with a few doctors or midwives to get a feel for if your values align. You want to make sure your doctor or midwife is someone you trust {to be considerate of your needs and values. This is a two way relationship relationship; you don't want someone telling you what to do. This is your body, and yes these are knowledgeable professionals but there is also a balance of knowledge and personal circumstance. Finding a provider that will respect and listen to you is key, to a healthy delivery and postpartum period. Protect yourself. Keep your stress and anxiety low, this has a huge effect on your birth, your health and the health of your child. Studies show that high levels of stress during a pregnancy can result in cognitive delays in infants, as well as higher mortality rates. When others find out you are pregnant they will want to share their own birth stories, you can ask them to share it with you after your own birthing experience, if you feel their story will stress you out or make you worried. If there are stressful life events that happen while you are pregnant, do what you can to minimize the stress, sometimes that means removing yourself from a situation. You have to take the steps to keep you and your child safe, emotionally and physically. Make sure to take time for self-care. Often times as woman in general, {in the fast lane} we go go go, thinking of others and making sure this is taken care of, this is getting done etc. But it is important to remember we can not give from an empty cup. We must take time to fill our cup as well. Especially while pregnant and breastfeeding your body is working extra hard, paying attention to your body and giving it ample time to rest and regurgitate. Exercise. Whether you did it regularly before pregnancy or not, you should start exercising now. Whether it is simply taking a daily walk or a prenatal yoga class, or something more, exercising during pregnancy helps reduce backaches, constipation, swelling and bloating. It also improves your mood, helps you sleep better and increases your energy while drastically helping you prepare for labor. If you were going to run a marathon, you would prepare for it correct? You should think of giving birth in the same way, it is important to mentally and physically prepare for labor. Start building a community. There is a saying, it takes a village to raise a child. It is so true, we were not built to raise children solo, as parents you will be the most important figures in your child's life, but it should not be the only. Family and friends will also help shape your child while giving you much needed break, as well as perspective. Start creating your village now, as they can also provide support to you throughout your pregnancy. |
AuthorWritten By Birth and Postpartum Doulas and Childbirth Educators ArchivesCategories |